Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Become More Active

Below is an article that was posted on a blog that I though I would share with everyone to become Active For Life!

A co-worker found this article and sent it to me. (We help each other stay motivated to go to the gym, etc.) MSNBC - Your body's big enemy? You're sitting on it.

Researchers found that more and more people are getting sick from sitting on their butt. Because of all the wonderful modern technology, we spend more time sitting in front of the computer and TV than ever before. (I know that I do).

Sitting for extended periods of time, your body starts to shut down and lowers your metabolism. Which means that you have less blood flow that can lead to heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes. Most people spend 56 hours sitting on their butt. All this sitting can cause back and leg problems.

Working out for 30 minutes a day does not counteract the time spent sitting. A study reveals that getting up out of your chair every half hour can significantly decrease your risk of heart disease. Fidgeting can increase circulation and burn more calories.

"So if exercise alone isn't the solution, what is? Fortunately, it's easier than you think to ward off the perils of prolonged parking. Just ramp up your daily non-exercise activity thermogenesis — or NEAT. That's the energy (i.e., calories) you burn doing everything but exercise. It's having sex, folding laundry, tapping your toes, and simply standing up. And it can be the difference between wearing a sarong or flaunting your bikini on your next beach vacation.

In his groundbreaking study on NEAT, the Mayo Clinic's Levine used motion-sensing underwear (hot, huh?) to track every single step and fidget of 20 people who weren't regular exercisers (half of them were obese; half were not). After 10 days, he found that the lean participants moved an average of 150 minutes more per day than the overweight people did — enough to burn 350 calories, or about one cheeseburger."

According to the chart in the article, you burn 32 more calories standing at your desk than you do sitting on your butt. Even making out during commercials burns 32 calories. So you can burn calories, not have the impulse to buy things, and gross your kids out all at the same time.

So, now I am not only going to definitely get my butt to the gym in the morning, but I plan to move more at my desk while working. I printed out the article and stuck it up in my cubicle as a reminder to move.

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