Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Active For Life

I hope everyone has received an email with an invitation to Active For Life. What is Active For Life? It is a program associated with the American Cancer Society to help companies and organizations encourage employees and members to become more active and healthy. The best thing is, it is FREE!!!

Active for Life is a 10-week program designed to promote health awareness and physical fitness. You set a personal goal for regular physical activity -- anything from moderate activities like walking to more intense ones like running. You record your daily activity on a Life Points log for 10 weeks. You participate as part of a team, and you will receive tools and support to help you reach your goal. There are also fun prizes and events throughout the program to help keep you motivated. Active for Life encourages participants to be more active on a regular basis by combining individual and group strategies that help people change their behavior.

Susie has set up our program so that each Region is a team. Region Directors are the Team Captains.

Click on the link in the email invitation the web site will take you through a step-by-step process to setup your account and set your goals for the next 10 weeks. Then everyday you log on and enter your information. Your team captain will be sending you encouragement in emails and updates on how the team is doing.

If you did not receive an email invitation to join a team, contact your Region Director. Good luck to everyone and get moving.

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