Monday, November 16, 2009

Interim Board and News

Don't forget that Interim Board is this weekend. This year we are cutting cost and going green. This means you are responsible for some of the supplies. Here is a list of items you need to bring with you:
  • A bag for your manual and other items either from a past convention or one you have around the house.
  • A 3 ring binder or folder to keep all the paperwork you will receive and notes you will take.
  • A copy of the IFBPW Bylaws that can be found on the IFBPW website in the members only section.
If you have extra bags from past convention and wish to donate them to new members, please bring them with you.

This is going to be an exciting weekend packed with information. We hope to see you Saturday.

If you have not registered yet, please go to Wild Apricot to register.

As a reminder the IFBPW is holding a logo contest. All applicants should submit their logo electronically by February 10, 2010. All logos will be on the website for your viewing and a vote will be held at the State Convention in April.

Don't forget that the speak offs will still be held at State Convention. More information is on the website.

One last item. If you would like to buy a holiday greeting in the IFBPW Bulletin, go to Wild Apricot and click on the Event information. You can purchase a 2' X 3 1/2" space for $5.00. This can cut down on your Christmas Card list in one inexpensive ad.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Tina for facilitating the internet training class.
