Thursday, February 18, 2010

Message from Membership

Lots of Silver Linings

We are very pleased to be serving the Illinois Federation this year as Co-chairs of the State Membership Committee. We have lots of exciting things planned for this landmark year. We
are sad to be severing ties with BPW/USA, but energized about the wonderful opportunity we have to grow State membership and redefine ourselves to better fit the needs of today’s working

What to do with the $60 you won’t be paying in National Dues?

We can’t think of a better use for these dollars than for each of us to make an investment in our organization’s future by taking that “found money” to pay the first year’s dues for a new
or lapsed member. Every local knows someone who couldn’t or wouldn’t pay over $100 in dues these past couple of years. No, we don’t care how many years they haven’t paid dues. Just get
them back! With just $60, you can either pay state and local dues for one member or state dues for two members. Let’s face it, increasing membership is the only way for us to grow our organization and sustain our activities. New members are truly the gift that keeps on giving. And, let’s make a big push this summer to get the ball rolling.

And here’s what we mean by “sustain our activities”. Unlike National which was satisfied with e-members who never participated in LO meetings or events, we believe the real value to be gotten from BPW comes from being an active and engaged member. This includes networking to make personal and professional connections with other business and professional women, mentoring and being mentored, attending interesting and educational programs, taking on leadership positions from which you learn invaluable skills like how to plan a program, how to conduct a meeting, how to prepare an agenda or minutes or a treasurer’s report or a budget. And, most importantly, building lasting friendships with the most incredible women in Illinois. We just need to let the world know just how special we are.

Please be sure to tell these new (or old) members that IFBPW is stronger than ever and that we are getting back to basics and rededicating ourselves to advancing the mission of women
helping women. They should also be glad to learn that their dues the following year and thereafter will be closer to $50, depending on the amount of dues their LO charges. This is less than half of what dues have been the past couple of years.

Take advantage of the $5 discount we are offering on next year’s State Convention Registration

To encourage every member to work on recruiting new members, we are offering a $5.00
discount off next year’s convention registration fee to every member who recruits at least one
new member starting now. Yes ladies, these dollars will be coming right out of our pockets,
and we would like nothing more than to contribute $500 or more to the Federation next April because 100 or more convention goers successfully recruited at least one new member. Imagine:
nearly a 25% increase in membership and a little bonus for you. Sorry, but we can only offer one
$5 discount per member, regardless of the number of members you are able to recruit. But
don’t let that limit your efforts.

Our goal is to form new LO’s throughout the State

While we leave it to you to recruit new members locally, we will be working with our hardworking Committee, and any one else who can offer their assistance, to form new LO’s through out Illinois. At the present time, we have prospects in Bloomington-Normal, Peoria and
Springfield and are hoping to form Samothrace Clubs for college age women at the SIU campuses in Carbondale and Edwardsville. If you know anyone who lives or works in these communities, please pass along their names, phone numbers and email addresses.

Every member is on the Membership Committee

Finally, don’t forget that every single one of you is a member of the Membership Committee.
We also want to recognize those members who have stepped up and given us their commitment
to help us get the new LO’s going. They are Laura Balson, Kathy Beals, Paula Feigenbaum and
Tasha Roedl. If you want to help, too, just send one of us an email. Please email Anna Harkins
at or Barb Yong at

--Barbara L. Yong and Anna Harkins
State Membership Co-Chairs

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Speak Off Topics

For some reason there still seems to be a question on what the Speak Off topics are for the competition.

1. Which workplace issues do you believe affect women the most and what changes would you like to see on these issues?

2. What instances of discrimination against women in the workforce have you experienced or witnessed, and how do you think such discrimination can be attacked?

3. How has technology changed our methods of communication and has it changed for the better? Please give examples.

4. How can IFBPW help bridge the generation gap? Please give specific examples?

5. If you are able to lobby for any woman's issue what would it be and how would you convince me to vote in favor of it?

The contestant needs to fill out an application found on the IFBPW or Region 4 website in the members section.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Become More Active

Below is an article that was posted on a blog that I though I would share with everyone to become Active For Life!

A co-worker found this article and sent it to me. (We help each other stay motivated to go to the gym, etc.) MSNBC - Your body's big enemy? You're sitting on it.

Researchers found that more and more people are getting sick from sitting on their butt. Because of all the wonderful modern technology, we spend more time sitting in front of the computer and TV than ever before. (I know that I do).

Sitting for extended periods of time, your body starts to shut down and lowers your metabolism. Which means that you have less blood flow that can lead to heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes. Most people spend 56 hours sitting on their butt. All this sitting can cause back and leg problems.

Working out for 30 minutes a day does not counteract the time spent sitting. A study reveals that getting up out of your chair every half hour can significantly decrease your risk of heart disease. Fidgeting can increase circulation and burn more calories.

"So if exercise alone isn't the solution, what is? Fortunately, it's easier than you think to ward off the perils of prolonged parking. Just ramp up your daily non-exercise activity thermogenesis — or NEAT. That's the energy (i.e., calories) you burn doing everything but exercise. It's having sex, folding laundry, tapping your toes, and simply standing up. And it can be the difference between wearing a sarong or flaunting your bikini on your next beach vacation.

In his groundbreaking study on NEAT, the Mayo Clinic's Levine used motion-sensing underwear (hot, huh?) to track every single step and fidget of 20 people who weren't regular exercisers (half of them were obese; half were not). After 10 days, he found that the lean participants moved an average of 150 minutes more per day than the overweight people did — enough to burn 350 calories, or about one cheeseburger."

According to the chart in the article, you burn 32 more calories standing at your desk than you do sitting on your butt. Even making out during commercials burns 32 calories. So you can burn calories, not have the impulse to buy things, and gross your kids out all at the same time.

So, now I am not only going to definitely get my butt to the gym in the morning, but I plan to move more at my desk while working. I printed out the article and stuck it up in my cubicle as a reminder to move.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Active For Life

I hope everyone has received an email with an invitation to Active For Life. What is Active For Life? It is a program associated with the American Cancer Society to help companies and organizations encourage employees and members to become more active and healthy. The best thing is, it is FREE!!!

Active for Life is a 10-week program designed to promote health awareness and physical fitness. You set a personal goal for regular physical activity -- anything from moderate activities like walking to more intense ones like running. You record your daily activity on a Life Points log for 10 weeks. You participate as part of a team, and you will receive tools and support to help you reach your goal. There are also fun prizes and events throughout the program to help keep you motivated. Active for Life encourages participants to be more active on a regular basis by combining individual and group strategies that help people change their behavior.

Susie has set up our program so that each Region is a team. Region Directors are the Team Captains.

Click on the link in the email invitation the web site will take you through a step-by-step process to setup your account and set your goals for the next 10 weeks. Then everyday you log on and enter your information. Your team captain will be sending you encouragement in emails and updates on how the team is doing.

If you did not receive an email invitation to join a team, contact your Region Director. Good luck to everyone and get moving.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Illinois Candidates

It is time to go to the voting booth again. II have put together a list of websites for you to better educate yourself on all the candidates. Primary is tomorrow!

Project Vote Smart
